Editor's Note: The following is a modified abstract of a paper presented at a conference held by Christ the King Law Center (CKLC) on October 8, 2016 titled Make America Catholic Again! Portions of this abstract were also taken from traditional Catholic attorney and author Christopher Ferrara's book The Church and the Libertarian: A Defense of the Catholic Church's Teaching on Man, Economy, and State.
So this concludes our overview of the Catholic state and how it might look like in today's world. This state can have different forms of government so long as they are ordered towards the common good of its citizens although a monarchy is the best form of government. However, in order to safeguard against the potential for a monarchy to become a tyranny a mixed form of government would be most prudent which would not exclude including a monarch in that government who is not subject to the whims of an electoral cycle. Furthermore, this state would be united with the Church in governing society but would respect subsidiarity including the patriarchy and private bodies would be permitted to do many of the things state governments now do. The "free market" would be subject to the law of the Gospel just like all "men, whether collectively or individually, are under the dominion of Christ." And not just the moral order but also religion and not just any religion but the only true religion founded by God himself would receive legal protection and endorsement from the state. Private property would be protected within due limits and workers would be guaranteed justice under the law.
[1] Pius XI, Encyclical Quas Primas (1925) 18.