The chart below is designed to give examples of certain "political activities" and whether they are permitted under section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Code.
Political Activity Church Clergy [1]
1. Discuss the positions of candidates on issues Yes Yes
2. Endorse or oppose candidates No Yes
3. Financial contributions to candidates No Yes
4. In-kind contributions to candidates No Yes
5. Independent expenditures supporting or opposing
candidates No Yes
6. Contributions to political action committees (PACs) No Yes
7. Payment of expenses for attendance of a pastor or
church member at a caucus or state/national political
party convention No Yes
8. Appearance of candidate at church meeting or
service Yes N/A
9. Nonpartisan voter registration activities Yes Yes
10. Nonpartisan voter identification activities Yes Yes
11. Nonpartisan get-out-the-vote activities Yes Yes
12. Nonpartisan voter education Yes Yes
13. Lobbying for or against legislation Yes Yes
14. Expenditures related to state referendums [2] Yes Yes
15. Distribution of:
a) Candidate surveys or voter guides Yes Yes
b) Voting record of incumbents Yes Yes
c) Candidate campaign literature No Yes
16. Distribution of political materials by others in
church parking lots Yes N/A
17. Rental of church membership lists at regular rates Yes N/A
18. Rental of church facilities at regular rates Yes N/A
19. Church Publications:
a) Political ads at regular rates Yes N/A
b) News stories about candidates or campaigns Yes N/A
c) Editorials endorsing or opposing candidates No N/A
[1] Acting as an individual rather than an official church representative.
[2] Lobbying activities may expose churches in some states to election-law register and reporting requirements as a political committee. Many of these statutes are unconstitutional because they expose churches to intrusive regulations for a very small amount of lobbying. If you find your church exposed to such state election law requirements, contact Christ the King Law Center (CKLC) immediately so we can refer you to an attorney who can review your situation.